
Friday Gold Fever

What is the Friday Gold Fever Strategy?

The Goldprice shows a typical calendar effect. Put simply, the gold price tends to rise before the weekend. This phenomenon is the subject of numerous studies. In their academic study – Weekday effects on gold: Tokyo, London, and New York markets  the economists Yu, Lee and Shih conclude unequivocally “Friday shows positive and significant higher returns [on gold], “.

The economists Draper, Faff and Hillier in their study – Do Precious Metals Shine? An Investment Perspective – come to the important conclusion that portfolios which contain gold, silver or platinum perform significantly better than standard equity portfolios.

How can I benefit from the Freitag Gold strategy?

The Goldprice shows a typical calendar effect. Put simply, the gold price tends to rise before the weekend. This phenomenon is the subject of numerous studies. In their academic study – Weekday effects on gold: Tokyo, London, and New York markets  the economists Yu, Lee and Shih conclude unequivocally “Friday shows positive and significant higher returns [on gold], “.

The economists Draper, Faff and Hillier in their study – Do Precious Metals Shine? An Investment Perspective – come to the important conclusion that portfolios which contain gold, silver or platinum perform significantly better than standard equity portfolios.

The strategy stands out due to its simplicity: buy gold every Thursday evening and maintain the position 24 hours. Several very experienced Investors and traders use versions of this strategy. 

Implementation could be achieved with a Future (GC) or Contracts for Difference (CFD`s).

This is one professional, bulletproof trading systems of our portfolio

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What return could have been achieved with the Friday Gold Fever Strategy since 2003?

The equity curve shows the impressive return on investment this strategy!

How can I get these trading signals?

Season Trader subscribers receive the concrete entry & exit suggestions via Telegram on the mobile phone, tablet or workstation PC.

This is one of 8 profitable trading strategies you can get via Telegram.

How can I implement the trading signals?

The easiest way is to implement the trading signals as recommended. Signals from season traders give you a clear statistical advantage on the stock market. How you use it, of course, we leave it up to you. You can do this with a MinifutureCFD’s or  leveraged ETF.

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